Shahid (2012)

Genre: Biography/Crime/Drama

Starring: Raj Kumar Yadav, Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub, Prabhleen Sandhu

The Indian judiciary system is notorious for being delayed, for holding innocent victims in trials for a long time and for serving injustice. With multiple hardline Islamic groups carrying out terror activities within the country, the Indian police started rounding up common Muslim people with remote connections to the incidents and made them scapegoats of the entire situation. Shahid Azmi (Yadav) is one such individual who had to face this similar situation. Shahid had once trained to become Jihadi aka Islamic militia in Kashmir but had a change of heart and escaped from the camp and returned home to Mumbai. The police traced his connections back to the camp and arrested him for plotting against the state. When it took the system 7 years to acquit him of charges, Shahid realised that there would be many more people like him who are caught within the system simply because of their names. In order to aid these people, Shahid decided to fight for those people who have been framed on false charges and deliver them justice. The movie rightfully captures the reality of India's law and system where minorities are often targeted without any rhyme or reason. Raj Kumar Yadav has put on a brilliant performance and has done justice to the role. The movie is a bit slow to progress and is made in a typical 'art movie' fashion. Had this movie been made with a touch of drama, background score and maybe some commercial elements, it would appeal to a wider audience and would make the entire experience of the movie far better. That said, the movie is not bad, it is exceptional in its genre and a highly recommended watch.

Thumbs up: Great acting
Thumbs down: Too slow and bland

Rating: 7.5/10
