Original Sin (2001)

Genre: Crime/Drama/Romance/Mystery

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Angelina Jolie, Thomas Jane

Set in the late 19th century in Cuba, Luis Vargas (Banderas) is the most eligible bachelor in town. Young and smart, he also has a massive coffee plantation and is extremely rich. He searches for an eligible bride and requests for Julia Russel (Jolie) to pay a visit to Cuba and eventually become his bride. The lady who disembarks from the boat is not the lady whose image he saw and is taken aback at this sudden difference. Julia explains that she did this because she didn't want Luis to marry her for her beauty. Luis too had lied about his profession because he never wanted Julia to marry him for his money; this similarity brings the two together and love instantly sparks. Everything goes well until Luis suddenly discovers all his money missing and Julia nowhere to be seen. This movie tries hard to be a murder mystery but somehow seems to falter when it comes to it's actual focus. It seems confused between a crime and a romance and lands up being bad in both genres. The end twist in the story becomes pretty evident during half time and there is nothing exceptional that is revealed towards the end. The entire backdrop of Cuba, rustic romance, wealth and passion is brought out in the movie in an good manner which becomes the only plus point. Antonio Banderas does some decent performances but Jolie fails to live up to his exceptional skills. An average entertainer that most people watch only for Jolie's exceptional beauty that is displayed in this movie, nothing otherwise to watch out for.

Thumbs up: Angelia Jolie looks mesmerising, depiction of Cuba
Thumbs down: Not a very interesting twist in the tale

Rating: 6.5/10
